Lego skyscraper building procedure
Lego skyscraper building procedure

Students will use the suggested materials to build the tallest tower possible while exploring its ability to support and resist a load. This activity omits technology from use to allow students to explore structural design using simple materials. This activity allows students to explore how society and the environment impact structures as well as how these structures can have an impact on society and the environment. This activity supports cross-curricular connections in science, geography, mathematics and social sciences. This activity connects the science and technology curriculum and relates it to society and the environment.


What would be the building steps to create the tallest tower? What do we need to start with in order to support our tower?Īnswer: A strong base to support load, weight-bearing shell or framework that can support the materials plus any additional loads that the building might experience such as snow.

lego skyscraper building procedure

Why could you only build it so tall? How come it was hard to keep your tower standing tall?Īnticipated Responses: The lego blocks were small and did not support the height, the lego blocks would tip over when it got too tall, the bottom of the tower was the same width as the top of the tower, the base did not support the tower’s height.

  • Think of a time that you used items such as Lego or blocks to build a tower.
  • External forces such as wind pushing against a building. What other forces might affect the design of a building, bridge or tunnel?Īnswer: Internal forces such as tension or compression of the roof on the walls of a structure.
  • Gravity is a force that pulls downward on an object.
  • What characteristics do we notice when we look at a building, bridge or tunnel?Īnswer: Height, width, materials used to build it such as bricks or steel, shape and length.
  • What are the names of some of the tallest freestanding structures in the world?Īnswer: CN Tower (Toronto, Canada), Burj Khalifa (Dubai, United Arab Emirates), Shanghai Tower (Shanghai, China).
  • Gravity is a type of force that attracts objects with mass (or weight) towards one another.
  • Students will learn the importance of structural engineering to ensure that buildings, tunnels and bridges can withstand environmental conditions.
  • Students will explore environmental conditions that play key roles in structural engineering.
  • lego skyscraper building procedure

    Students will manipulate the newspaper and tape to create strong load bearing structures that can support and resist a load.Students will explore structural engineering by using recycled newspaper and tape to build the tallest freestanding tower possible.The Engineer Design Process works through an algorithm that includes the problem, research, ideation, planning, prototyping, testing and redesign. It is a fundamental mindset essential to any engineering task such as structural engineering. Environmental conditions that might be considered are the heavy snowfalls experienced in the town of Gander located in Newfoundland and Labrador or the strong winter winds experienced in Calgary each year that are known as ‘Chinook Winds’.Ĭomputational thinking supports how a student thinks about problem solving including decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction and algorithms. Structural engineers ensure that their designs and materials selected can withstand environmental conditions such as Canadian winters. They must consider the stresses and pressures that the surrounding environment might have on the structure itself. Structural engineers mainly focus on creating ‘frameworks’ or ‘shells’ for structures such as buildings, bridges and tunnels. Structural engineering depends largely on the knowledge surrounding different materials and their properties.

    Lego skyscraper building procedure